Carolina Reaper Death Nut Challenge Version 3.0 get all the world’s hottest peppers in one challenge – ghost, scorpion, habanero and more

(10 customer reviews)

$14.00 & Free Shipping

About this item You asked for it so we delivered. New peppers, improved flavor variations, triple the peanuts, and a totally new Level 5 Deathnut! The Deathnut is made with a new super-hot pepper distillate that is spray-dried into a powder form delivering a whopping 16,000,000 Scoville Heat Units. Each level starts with a base peanut made using a dose of Carolina Reaper to establish consistent flavor and heat. Then we perform 5 additional steps to make each level unique and progressively hotter with a load of the world’s hottest peppers. All small-batch and handcrafted to ensure consistency and quality. We load each challenge with enough super-hot peanuts for 1-3 players.

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SKU: B095BVP91G Category:


About this item

  • You asked for it so we delivered. New peppers, improved flavor variations, triple the peanuts, and a totally new Level 5 Deathnut!
  • The Deathnut is made with a new super-hot pepper distillate that is spray-dried into a powder form delivering a whopping 16,000,000 Scoville Heat Units.
  • Each level starts with a base peanut made using a dose of Carolina Reaper to establish consistent flavor and heat.
  • Then we perform 5 additional steps to make each level unique and progressively hotter with a load of the world’s hottest peppers. All small-batch and handcrafted to ensure consistency and quality.
  • We load each challenge with enough super-hot peanuts for 1-3 players.

Additional information

Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎

7.25 x 4 x 1 inches; 3.84 Ounces

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Best Sellers Rank:

#32 in Peanuts

Customer Reviews:

3,958 ratings

10 reviews for Carolina Reaper Death Nut Challenge Version 3.0 get all the world’s hottest peppers in one challenge – ghost, scorpion, habanero and more

  1. Phil

    There are thousands of reviews that go into detail on the challenge itself so I’ll jump into some not-so-pro tips. Anyone with a moderate tolerance for heat and pain can make it through relatively un-phased. Once you get into round 2 you are already in flight or fight mode, and just waiting out the time intervals and taking down the rest of the challenge isn’t a significant challenge as things don’t really get progressively worse from there. Once the challenge is complete just have some milk ready, rinse and spit 5 times (don’t drink it all, you may puke), brush your teeth really well and then rinse and spit with more milk afterwards and you’ll hardly know you even did the challenge, until…When you think you are in the clear, the real challenge begins. For hours after doing the challenge I had some burp/spit ups that I would have sworn was hot lava bubbling up in my throat. This stuff just sits in your gut and festers, and while you can’t feel the “heat” in your stomach, you absolutely will when your stomach makes a concerted effort to get it out one way or another. This leads into the other aspect of things, which is you’ll have a raging gut for hours. About 3-4 hours after the challenge I was desperate to pass it by any means but it didn’t want to go anywhere, just sit and boil and toil and cause trouble, sending those lovely lava bubbles up for me to enjoy every so often. I broke my 18 month track record with Keto and ate a half loaf of bread just to try and soak this devil’s fuel up and send it on its way. It isn’t the challenge itself that was a struggle, it was the the timespan from 3 to 18 hours after it that was awful.

  2. James B.

    I was beyond ready for this challenge, from watching Hot Ones on YouTube to knocking out the blazing wing challenge at BWW I thought that this was going to be breeze. Boy, was I wrong. Seeing that I thought this was going to be a breeze, I invited family, friends, clergymen of my church, and even my third grade teacher (which was slightly awkward because I didn’t know she had passed away). Anyways, I knock out the first but with no problem at all; lightweight if you will. Then I move on to the second round, where everything just hit the fan. As soon as I started chewing I knew this wasn’t a game anymore; this was real life and I wasn’t prepared. My whole life had been a lie. I started questioning everything I loved; our government, my unconditional love for puppies, and even God. These nuts aren’t hot; they’re painful. They’re a devious, PO’d nut from hell; just look at the package. However, misery loves company which is why I opened the rest of the nuts and added them to the party mix that everyone was undoubtedly enjoying. Bon appétit Bastards.

  3. Kertis

    These nuts are no joke. First 4 are pretty hot. But when that last nut hits, it felt like it stabbed me in my mouth. It took about 30 seconds to hit its maximum heat and I threw up all my thanksgiving dinner! 10/10 would never do again though.

  4. MrsMacias

    I bought these nuts for my husband expecting them to be like all spicy challenges, not a challenge for him but tasty and fun. He ate the very first one and had to stop. He still hasn’t been able to finish the challenge. I call this a win!! I’m constantly looking for a spicy food that will impress him and this is the first one I’ve found.

  5. Amazon Customer

    So I bought this product for myself and my brother and had one sent to each of us. The first one my brother received was stolen by porch thieves (that individual received their just reward) so I sent my brother a second one.At long last, we called each other up and consumed the lot just as directed on the box. I thought to myself as I crunched through the first set of peanuts, “man this is going to be a great bonding experience for my brother and I” and “oh boy, the first level is a bit spicier than I thought they would be…” The ensuing 12 hours are a nightmarish hell scape that can barely be described by any meager and inadequate use of the human language, however I shall attempt to recount the events that followed.As expected, each of the five levels of peanuts grew increasingly more hot and spicy. I will however reflect that the second level was rather flavorful and enjoyable. Soon enough, we had consumed all the peanuts, being careful to wear latex gloves as the box directed and to avoid contact with the eyes. My brother, wise beyond his years, elected to drink some Pepto-Bismol prior to the challenge, while I elected not to. This, I think would prove a costly mistake.Upon completion of our task, we both commiserated in how hot and painful the peanuts were. Indeed, the last level tasted of coffee beans and burning. Truly it was as if some mad welder had pinned us down and was using a blow torch to remove our molars. At the very end, I must say I felt waves of euphoria course through me and a tingling sensation through my arms and neck. Finally, the required five minutes passed and we could drink to sweet relief. My brother, again wise beyond his years chose lemon juice. I chose a crisp white wine. I chose poorly.The consequences of my choices did not fully reveal themselves for some time however. Perhaps 30-40 minutes later, after having seemingly recovered, I felt as if my sternum and stomach were suddenly under the assault of an extremely angry boxer. As a boxer in college, I am very familiar with the sensation of a fist colliding with ones solar plex, backed by all the hatred of a rival and this felt no different. In a desperate attempt to relieve the heartburn I drank some Pepto-Bismol but too little, too late. Not a few minutes later, I quickly ended my conversation on the phone with my brother and rushed to our bathroom, my brother and wife yelling “good luck!” as I went.The pain racking through my stomach hit me in waves as I sat upon the porcelain seat. To my dismay, my gassy expulsions brought no relief and I suddenly realized with horror that while seated upon the toilet I was going to have to vomit. This night had turned into a true living nightmare. Quickly I contemplated my options. A: attempt to wipe, flush, turn around and then vomit in the toilet, gripping the seat upon which not moments ago my posterior had been rested. 2: vomit into the bathtub while seated or B: attempt number A and fail, vomiting onto the floor or worst case, into the unflushed toilet to splashing effect.I elected to gamble with A. To my amazement I succeeded. However, my joy at accomplishing my goal was short lived. My stomach expelled it’s contents with such violence, my nostrils and maybe even my eyes filled with fluid. Pain again racked through my body, causing me to convulse uncontrollably while simultaneously screaming and vomiting again. I have taken part in my fair share of binge drinking and over indulging in alcohol in the past. In those cases a good vomit is followed by sweet relaxation and a feeling of accomplishment. Not so tonight. The pain was intense. It was as if I was being simultaneously stabbed in the gut and bear maced from inside the back of my own skull. As a member of the military I have been teargassed before and that was a wonderful past time, a pleasurable hobby even, compared to the chemical assault on my face that occurred with each vomiting.My wife rushed to my aide only to find me screaming, pants around my ankles, snot and vomit streaming from my face in front of the toilet. My body heaved and threw itself backwards on to the ground, desperate to find a position that lessened the pain in my abdomen. Much like the medic in Saving Private Ryan who is shot in the liver, I began shaking and convulsing, unable to speak when my wife asked what she could do to help. However, unlike him, I did not have comrades with ready supplies of morphine to inject into my body, offering the sweet release of death.My arms and legs were numb, I couldn’t control my fingers or toes. As my brain recoiled at the idea that this was now the eternity I was doomed to live forever, my mind saw the true horror of the cosmos and the Eldritch gods. Finally I was able to yell only two words: “orange juice!”She returned with the elixir and while the vomiting ceased, the pain did not. I passed out on the floor, naked from the waist down, in the fetal position. When I awoke, I think the next day, the house was empty. My wife, the dog and the cat were gone. I assume that she, having witnessed the effects of my consumption of these simple peanuts, concluded that I must either be a complete idiot or a sadistic masochist. And I must agree with both conclusions.Long story short: pretty much what I expected from the product. 5 stars.

  6. TBT

    The final nut is pretty hot, the ones before it are quite tasty, but the last one is just hot with no flavor.If you want to challenge your friends, each level has three nuts.

  7. Brandy Stratz

    These are awesome! My husband and his friends all love crazy hot stuff and we got recommended to try these. Some of the reviews said how bad they were and my husband laughed about other people being babies. We had about 5 people try them so each guy only got 1 peanut per round. It was great! The first one they all said “wow that’s hotter than I thought it was going to be”. One person dropped out of the challenge immediately. Second round people were guzzling drinks and two more dropped out so it was just my husband and one other guy for round 3. The last guy said 3 was stupid and he was done- I’ve never seen him back down from a challenge so I can only imagine how much his mouth was on fire. The other people that dropped out earlier started eating all kinds of food to cool their mouths down. One of them had to take heartburn medicine to help. My husband finished them but also said it was crazy hot and then proceeded to clean out our fridge trying to cool his mouth down. The guy who stopped after round 3 said he was up all night with horrible heartburn. The next day everyone complained about hot poops! 😂😂 Great product to really make a challenge! Everyone is too chicken to do it again.

  8. MS

    Make sure you eat something first to help protect your stomach!Level 1, despite being labeled “mild”, is more like “hot”. Nothing scary but this is definitely a surprise – hotter than you’d expect right off the bat. Usually, as a spice/chili-head, things labeled “mild” are more about flavor than heat, but I definitely felt the heat on these.Level 2 actually feels easier than Level 1. Tasted alright, but otherwise sort of forgetful. Maybe it’s supposed to lull you into a false sense of security? Who knows. Either way, it’s the easiest level. This might be closer to what I’d call “mild.” I wonder if it would make more sense to switch Levels 1 and 2? Or maybe the heat from Level 1 made it easier to tolerate Level 2 and it needs to be a bit hotter?Level 3 is very hot – tingling, burning, sweating, etc. Definitely where most people would go “dang, this is hot” but maybe not enough to scare you from trying Level 4.Level 4, as predicted, hurts quite a lot – double the Carolina Reaper content of Level 3. It’s extremely hot. At this point I’m making occasional, pained exhaling / grunting noises due to the pain in the throat and the insane burning in the mouth. This level is quite uncomfortable and it’s at this point you’ll probably start to seriously consider tapping out. Level 5 no longer seems like a question you want answered, and you may feel a little scared to proceed. I had to force myself to not think about it too much and just YOLO it.Level 5 is an exponential jump over Level 4 due to the 13-million capsaicin crystal. It’s sort of hard to put into words how hot it is. During Level 4, at least I could maintain general composure, and I could still talk. But with Level 5, I was hunched down on the countertop making all sorts of noise, drooling like crazy, mouth and throat ablaze, face sweating profusely. The endorphin rush was fierce. I couldn’t feel my fingertips, and I could sense twinges of pins and needles up my arms – it was that hot. I kept looking over at the clock trying to ride out the five minutes, and it felt like an eternity.But once those five minutes were up, I immediately downed a full glass of milk and then quickly poured myself a second one to sip at slowly every time the pain flared back up. It took some time, I want to say 10 minutes, but eventually the pain subsided to the point where I could walk around and talk again with a manageable amount of discomfort.However, with all that milk + capsaicin still in my system, I proceeded to have pretty epic, spicy dumps throughout the next 48 hours.Despite the discomfort, I had fun and thought it was appropriate for a spice challenge — if it weren’t tough, it wouldn’t be much of a challenge! 10/10 from me.

  9. melisaharrelson

    The sugar peanut masked some heat, not all heat

  10. Chris justice

    Fun hot challenge to do with anyone that dares.

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